10th November 2020 Resolved Minutes

Minutes of the Frithville with Westville Parish Council Meeting remotely held Tuesday 10th November 2020 commencing at 7.30pm


Cllr S Clark presiding as Chairman

Cllr J Portess, Cllr B Needs, Cllr A Crawford, Cllr G Petchell, Cllr N Portess, Cllr A Berwick, Cllr C Roberts

LCC/ELDC Cllr T Ashton (left at 8.01pm)

Clerk - S Knowles

Public Forum

There was one member of the public present

The headmaster to Frithville Primary School reported the following:

  • The school will remain open as long as possible unless staff illness refrains from occurring.  To date the pupil's attendance has been good.
  • There is a presentation video on the school website doing a virtual tour of the school for parents of potential pupils to view for the new school year in 2021 due to not being able to currently physically be shown around.
  • He had been outside the school to prevent parking of parents/guardians on the verge opposite the school, instead to park only on the side of the school.
  • There has been more traffic passing by the school during the roadworks.

Cllr Roberts asked if the school had been able to carry on with a normal curriculum?

The headmaster reported that most sports activities has been able to carry on though events away from the school such as swimming is currently postponed.  Outside visitors to the school has not been able to occur at the moment, along with after school clubs or any other outside trips.

1.       Remarks by Chairman

Cllr Clark welcomed all those that were able to attend this evening's virtual meeting. He additionally thanked Cllr J Portess for standing in for him at the last meeting and for him and Cllr N Portess for laying the wreath at the Remembrance Sunday closed service.

2.       Apologies for absence and reasons given

Cllr Maidens forwarded his apologies for absence of which the Parish Councillors were aware of the reason of which it was resolved to accept this reason.

3.       To receive any Declarations of Interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011, and to consider any applications for dispensations in relation to Disclosable Pecuniary Interests.

There were no declarations received

4.       Notes of the meeting held on Tuesday 8th September 2020 to be approved as the minutes and to be signed by the Chairman

It was proposed by Cllr Berwick, seconded by Cllr Petchell and resolved to accept these notes as a true and accurate record.

5.       Report from any Outside Bodies

ELDC Cllr Jones forwarded his apologies for being unable to attend this evenings meeting.

LCC/ELDC Ashton reported the following:

  • The recent days has seen a rise in Covid cases within teh East Lindsey region along with an unduly rise across the whole of Licolnshire.  He advised to approach with caution and care.
  • There is help with grants because of Covid for groups and organisations within the East Lindsey area.  There is also some aid from Lincolnshire County Council.
  • All council business will continue to be ongoing through the lockdown.
  • It is thought that the current Local Plan may not have been a perfect plan, therefore it is going to be reviewed over the next couple of years at some current policies that should be altered.  This is to be discussed at the next Planning Policy meeting in December.  A briefing of this is to be published in the next Town & Parish Council's newsletter in January 2021 along with a consultation period.
  • Since the last meeting there has been a tragic accident in Hale Lane.  Through this he reported that he had received several correspondences relating to safety issues in this area.  Unfortunately, speed limits cannot be reduced on all the roads, it is up to motorists to adjust their speed to the type of the road they are travelling.  Though if supported evidence can be provided this will be looked at on individual cases.
  • There has been a debate between Lincolnshire County Council and Lincolshire City Council regarding the Usher Gallery.  The building is not immensely popular with visitors therefore the cost is not justifiable per person approximately £2000 each.  They can support one gallery within the area but not two.  The City Council has had the opportunity to take on the running of the gallery but to date they have not complied.

Cllr J Portess asked the question if it was possible to reduce the speed limit outstide the school from 30mph to 20mph.  Cllr Ashton replied that it is not compulsory in Licnolnshire to this, though it might be possible to have an advisable one put in place.

6.         Police Matters

According to the Police.uk website the following incidents were reported:

Auguest 2020

1 x Burglary on or near to Carrington Road - Still under investigation

2 x Violence & Sexual Offences on or near Willow's Lane - Unable to prosecute suspect.  This could be for several reasons, e.g. the prosecution considers there is insufficient evidence to provide a realistic prospect of conviction.

September 2020

2 x Violence & Sexual Offences on or near to Thacker's Road - Unable to prosecute suspect.  This could be for several reasons, e.g. the prosecution considers there is insufficient evidence to provide a realistic prospect of conviction.

2 x Violence & Sexual Offences on or near to Westville Road - Unable to prosecute suspect. This could be for several reasons, e.g. the prosecution considers there is insufficient evidence to provide a realistic prospect of conviction.

1 x Shoplifting on or near to Westville Road - Investigation complete; no suspect identified.  There is insufficient evidence to bring anyone to justice at this time.  The investigation may be reopened if more information becomes available.

7.        Highways

The subsidence in Hale Lane is getting to become overbearing and needs upgrading as is really dangerous.

It was reported that there are several areas within the village where the roads are breaking up, including Thacker's Road.

It has been the third time this year that the Boston Road (B1183) has been closed for roadworks and traffic has been diverted along West Fen Drainside.  With the various types of vehicles using this road especially several large ones, this road has itself begun to deteriorate more with several potholes along it's route.

There have been recent police checks in the area thereby the question was asked if it was possible to obtain the statistics from this.

8.         Planning

a.         Report on any Planning application information/Decisions

There was no information or planning application decisions to report.

9.         Parish Matters

a.         Car Park update

Cllr J Portess reported that following advce obtained from the Parish Council's insurers and that the liability remains with the Parish Council, he recommended that it would be advisable to resurface the Car Park.  Therefore, as this would be more costly to do, he suggested to do a good mechanical sweep of the area and address the potholes for the time being.  After discussion it was resolved that Cllr J Portess's suggestion was reasonable and for him to seek quotes of the costings of this work to be done.

It was reported that the footpath from the Bus Shelter towards Robert H Crawford & Son had narrowed to that of preventing wheelchair access along it's route.  It was then conveyed that the footpath and road outside the Council House's along West Fen Drainside was also in need to be rectified.

b.           Update on Willow Tree cut

The clerk was asked to chase the contractor regarding this matter.

c.           Playing Field Grass Cutting

Cllr Petchell relayed that it was that time of year to ask for quotes for the cutting of the Playing Field.  He proposed that is maybe advisable to do a two-year contract this time.  After discussion, it was resolved to go ahead to get quotes for a two-year contract.

The question was raised whether to include specifications of spraying weeds, trimming the hedges and around the fence of the Car Park included in this contract.  After deliberation it was decided to have a seperate contract for this area.  Cllr J Portess said that he would look into getting a tender ready for quotes for this.

10.          Financial Matters

a.            Financial Report

Due to adding the funds relating to the expiry date of the cheque issued to pay DW Landscapes of £480, the balance of the Treasury account before any payments are made is £4717.69 and that of the Reserve account is £4172.66.

b.           To approve payments to be made


Reason for payment


Cheque No.

AD Greenfield

Flail mowing of roadsides and car park




Sibsey Parish Council

Reimbursement of Zoom fees (Sept-Nov 2020)



S Knowles

Clerk’s Salary (Oct-Nov)



It was proposed by Cllr Needs, seconded by Cllr N Portess and resolved that these payments should be made.

c.           Set precept for 2021/22 Financial Year

The Parish Council's accounts for the current year along with a proposed budget for the 2021/22 Financial Year had been circulated among the Parish Councillors.  After deliberation it was proposed by Cllr Petchell, seconded by Cllr Berwick and resolved to ask for a percept of £6000.

11.          Correspondence

The following correspondence has been received:

  • ELDC Town & Parish e-news 8th November 2020
  • ELDC October 2020 e-messenger
  • LCC October 2020 Town & Parish Newsletter
  • LALC News 21st September & 5th, 19th and 26th October 2020
  • LALC News 9th November 2020
  • ELDC Town & Parish additional issue newsletter
  • ELDC Novermber 2020 Special Edition e-messenger

12.          Any other matters for discussion only

There were no other matters discussed.

13.          Date of the next meeting

a.            To set dates of the 2021 meetings

These will continue to remain via video conference  following Government guidelines and NALC recommendation to currently not to convene publicly until officially permitted.

Suggested dates for the 2021 meetings had been circulated among the Parish Councillors of which these were agreed.  Thereby the date of the next Frithville with Westville Parish Council was scheduled for Tuesday 12th January 2021.

There being no further business the meeting finished at 8.44pm