12th January 2021 Agenda

Agenda of Frithville with Westville Parish Council meeting held via Zoom on 12th January 2021 commencing at 7.30pm


If any members of the public or press would like to join the meeting, they should contact the clerk via email by 3pm prior to that evenings meeting, were time will be allocated where members of the public may ask questions or make short statements to the council.

1.         Remarks by Chairman

2.         Apologies for absence and reasons given

3.         To receive any Declarations of Interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011, and to consider any applications for dispensations in relation to Disclosable Pecuniary Interests.

4.         Notes of the meeting held on Tuesday 10th November 2020 to be approved as the minutes and to be signed by the Chairman.

5.         Report from any Outside Bodies

To receive any information from ELDC and/or LCC Councillor

6.         Police Matters

Report on any law-breaking activities within the Parish and any additional Crime Prevention information

7.         Highways

a.         Junction of Canister Lane, Carrington Road and Westville Road

Any other issues regarding Highway matters can be discussed by the Parish Councillors only but any items raised for decision will appear on the agenda of the next meeting.

8.         Planning

The following Planning application was perused by the Planning Forum for their observations     

i.         S/054/02216/20 – Outline erection of 2 no. dwellings with means of access to be considered – Land adjacent to Chapel Bungalow, Main Road, Frithville

No other planning applications have been received prior to this notice but any other issues regarding planning matters can be discussed by the parish councillors only but any items raised for decision will appear on the agenda of the next meeting.

a.         Report on any Planning Application information/decisions

9.         Parish Matters

a.         Car Park – Quote to resurface

b.         Update on Willow Tree cut

c.         Playing Field Grass Cutting – Quotes for New Contract

10.       Financial Matters

a.         Financial Report

b.         To approve payments to be made

11.       Correspondence

Comments and discussion on any correspondence received

12.        Any other matters for discussion only

Any other matters that the Parish Councillors only would like to discuss that have not previously been reviewed but any items raised for decision will appear on the agenda of the next meeting.

13.       Date of next meeting

The next Frithville with Westville Parish Council as previously scheduled is 9th March 2021

This will continue to remain via video conference to following Government guidelines and NALC recommendation to currently not to convene publicly